about me

Hi, my name is Audrey Locy!
Rooted and Grateful is all about sharing delicious plant-based recipes, discussing the fundamentals of human health, and exploring everyday life! My values are: Health, Simplicity, and Love. These core values are at the root of everything I do and I hope these come through in my writing.
My goal in giving you Rooted and Grateful is to inspire the human soul throughout everyone's journey of self-love. Acts of self-love could be reading a new book, meditating with a crystal, traveling and experiencing a new part of the world, or simply putting a nutritious and satisfying meal into your beautiful temple, which we call the human body.
Throughout my life, I have always viewed food as the way to self-healing and self-love. Health and nutrition became a focal point in my life at a very young age. When I was in gradeschool I became fascinated by the properties of food and figuring out why certain foods were beneficial for different things in the human body.
Fast forward 10 years, now I have a Bachelors degree in Exercise Physiology and I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. My goal is to help as many people as I can achieve health and happiness.
In 2016, I transitioned to a whole-foods, plant-based diet after
My Journey
educating myself on the standard practice in slaughter houses and the environmental impact of animal agriculture on our planet. When I became vegan my love for nutrition and thirst for knowledge skyrocketed! I became amazed at the healing benefits of a whole-foods, plant-based diet. My mission then became to transition my parents to the lifestyle.
My father, Scott, has a disease called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. The illness is an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system mistakes your organs and tissues as foreign invaders, which they then attack, thus causing extensive internal inflammation and deterioration. My father consumed 12 prescription pills daily for over 20 years, underwent 13 surgeries and also spent all those years in 24 hour pain due to this illness.
About 6 months after I transitioned to a vegan diet, my parents made the switch as well. Within 3 months on the diet, my father stopped consuming EVERY Lupus medication he was previously taking. After two and a half years on a plant-based diet, my dad is now in full remission. He and my mother are thriving on a whole-foods, plant-based diet and feel better everyday!
My parents are my motivation to do what I do and my inspiration to spread the word to as many others as I can. This blog is my heart and voice. So, welcome to the Rooted and Grateful family! I hope you find the inspiration to be rooted into a life you love and grateful for the life you live.